The Alliance For Saturation Church Planting



This agreement remains in effect until dissolved by one or both parties.

Alliance partners agree to promptly follow the spirit and principles of Matthew 18 when resolving conflict.


Name of Agency or Church _______________________________________________

PositionAlliance Advocate ________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Phone (    ) ________________________________

Fax (    ) __________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________

Website ___________________________________

Signature for Agency or Church ___________________________________________

Date _____________________________________


(Please indicate in which way(s) your church or agency
wishes to partner with The Alliance.)



We will attempt to recruit and send long term and/or recurring short term personnel to our selected geographic area. The specific geographical area(s) in which we wish to partner within The Alliance is:


We understand that this is an agreement of intent, and that, in some cases, we may share responsibilities in this area with other partners of The Alliance. We are willing to begin to implement this agreement and to adjust/share our involvement as necessary when circumstances or personnel change.



The specific contribution(s) and commitment which we are making to The Alliance is



(Please check ANY of the options below that you anticipate pursuing)

  • We will select/adopt one of the countries or areas in which The Alliance works and make it a special project for interest and prayer.
  • We will support the work and goals of The Alliance by providing financial support to the work in a specific country or area.
  • We will lead and/or cooperate with the formation of a coalition in our area that will attempt to field a resident team(s), and we will attempt to find people who may be able to join the coalition's team.
  • We will provide at least one person to help with prayer mobilization, strategic research, the training and mentoring of national church planters and pastors, and evangelism linked to starting churches that will be available from time to time to work with these efforts on our selected field(s).
  • We will look for ways in which we can become more fully involved in the future with The Alliance.


Please print this page and return original to your choice:

The Alliance For Saturation Church Planting

P.O. Box 843
CO 80132-0843 USA

Fax 1-(719)-488-8019

Tel. 1-(800)-649-2440

H-1111 Budapest,
Budafoki út 34/B III/2

Fax +(36-1) 365-6406

Tel. +(36-1) 466-5978 and 385-8199