The Alliance  



Church Planter Training Curriculum For Post Communist EurAsia
An Overview

Five practical training manuals each offer 30 hours of instruction; sharing a vision for saturation church planting as well as practical principles and priorities for accomplishing local church plants. Designed for modular instruction in a working seminar format, the training schedule can be adapted for work/ministry realities of YOUR trainees.

I. Philosophy of The Alliance’s

Church Planter Training Curriculum

  • Biblically Based- All sections are founded firmly on the Scriptures.
  • Theologically Balanced- Broad enough for use in most evangelical traditions, while not strongly advocating any one system of theology, or any particular Christian tradition.
  • Goal Oriented- 5 seminars, spanning 18-24 months, are intended to teach trainees how to plant healthy, reproducing local churches.
  • Culturally sensitive and adaptive- Written by people well-acquainted with cultural issues in the C/E European regions... intended to meet the needs of each training context. There is a strong focus on questions & application. Other-language translators of the material in the region are encouraged to contextualize further.
  • Practical & Balanced- Strong focus on providing tools for ministry. Relevant knowledge, skills and character issues are presented in a balanced fashion. This training doesn’t take the place of classic Bible school/seminary instruction, or specialised ministry training.
  • Threshold driven- Practical assignments are given to trainees to work on between the seminars. These assignments lead the trainee toward the goal, and are vital for a healthy work.
  • Cohesive- Materials focus broadly on vision, the worker, practical skills, and organisation. All parts relate to each other, and to the goal.
  • Progressive and Incremental- A staged process (foundations, winning, establishing, training, multiplying,) leads to developing movement. The parts begin to fit, like a puzzle coming together over time, as trainees gradually apply what they learn.
  • Geared to common people- Simple, clear, practical. For nation-wide church planting movements to occur, lay people can and should be involved. Materials are simple, direct, vision-driven, and illustrated.
  • Relational- Training seminars are intended to be holistic experiences, where relationships are built with other trainees, trainers and mentors.

II. Values of The Alliance’s Church Planter Training

We believe:

  • The local church is God’s primary method for doing His work.
  • Church planting is the most effective tool for discipling the nations.
  • Church planting is the best means for fulfilling the Great Commission mandate (Mat. 28:18-20).
  • The work of evangelism lies at the heart of a church’s life and health.

III. How We Work

  • Leaders and workers are encouraged to start with the end in mind (the “Z”), a discipled nation filled with healthy, reproducing churches accessible to every man, woman and child… and to work backwards from there to accomplish that goal.
  • Training is balanced with other important components that make for movement- Prayer that is focused and intentional (when, who, how?); Goals and Vision (how many, when); Leadership (who); Research (what do we need to know?); Resources (inside and outside of country); Evangelism and Discipleship (building new communities of believers).
  • Our approach is diverse- Tent makers can do the job, and should be the primary work force mobilised for this vision. The role of full time church planters is recognised, but not strongly encouraged. There are many ways to start new churches; the whole Body of Christ can and should be mobilised to this task.

IV. Roles

  • Jesus as Head of His Expanding Church- “I will build My Church” is His promise for every generation of Christian leaders. He is Lord of the Church, and has given His Spirit to lead us in the church planting task in any given place.
  • Missionaries from the West- Their function is primarily apostolic and facilitative… helping nationals to do what God is calling them to.
  • National Visionary Leaders- God raises up key leaders, who lead others into His vision for their country.
  • National trainers- Western missionaries intend to encourage and equip gifted national leaders to train their own countrymen, as soon as possible.
  • Other Christians- Expatriate workers linked with the national Church CAN work together in unity- in prayer, sharing of some resources, and owning the goal for a discipled nation.
  • Strategic Use of Outside Funding- not for salaries and buildings, but used tactically to launch movements

V. Ways Local Churches Can Be Involved in

the Vision of Country-wide Church Planting

  • Prayer- for the movement, for the workers, for the harvest.
  • Information on the Movement- bulletin boards, newspapers, etc. can all highlight specifics on SCP.
  • Sending leaders to participate in the training- Pastors can recommend, send and support men and women called of God to this work..
  • Joining with other churches- in launching new works, developing small “house” groups that can lead toward becoming new churches, instituting a “cell group” movement in a given area, classic “mother-daughter” church planting.

VI. Why You Should Be Involved in Church Planting

  • Church planting is a biblical strategy- Acts 13:2,3; 14:21-23
  • Church planting is an effective means of evangelism- Mat. 28:18-20
  • Church planting reaches new generations- new forms often call for new churches, to reach new generations
  • Church planting is an effective way to reach people groups- Sub-groups in cities can be targeted in new church efforts
  • Church planting expands denominational strength- new churches grow budgets, leaders and harvest force workers.
  • People need churches where there are none- Many of the towns & cities in the nation are unreached, with no evangelical churches present


Core Tracks in the CPTraining Additional Subjects
  • SCP Vision
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • The Church
  • The Family
  • Bible Study Methods
  • Stewardship
  • Spiritual Character
  • Preaching
  • Prayer
    • Evangelism
    • Discipleship
    • Cell Groups
    • Leadership




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