announcement regarding
The Alliance for Saturation
Church Planting June 2005 After 13 years of God-given influence and ministry in many of
the countries of post-communist Eurasia, the Alliance for Saturation
Church Planting will cease its corporate activities and dissolve
its formal partnership no later than June 1, 2006.
The resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Alliance
for SCP, dated May 5, 2005, states . . . "The need for saturation
church planting (SCP) in the countries of formerly communist Eurasia
exists today as it did 15 years ago. With great desire to affirm
the vision and values of saturation church planting, and with the
sincere hope to see other appropriate vehicles emerge to pursue
that vision, the board of the Alliance resolves that the North
American legal entity of the Alliance be dissolved and cease its
corporate activities no later than June 1, 2006. An implementation
plan will be developed by the board which works toward the dissolution
of the corporate entity of the Alliance and facilitates formation
of new vehicles that cast and implement the SCP vision."
Despite the dissolution of the Alliance partnership, the board
wholeheartedly encourages those who have associated with the Alliance
(whether they be churches, agencies, national church planting leaders
or expatriate missionaries) to continue to pursue their SCP-focused
efforts. The Alliance has been effective at gathering and rallying
Great Commission Christians around the SCP vision. Now is the
opportunity to leverage those relationships and forge new ones
to create new expressions of SCP cooperation. Alliance materials
(e.g. Omega Course) will continue to be available for use and adaptation
free of charge.
Alliance Executive Director
Lee Behar